Day 19- Positioned to Build


It has already been one week since women’s convention. The messages and the challenges are still fresh in our hearts and our minds. The words that were spoken were provoking and called for urgency. After coming back you cant help but look at our city and our church and say how can I help, what can I do to help, where do I start ? I love one thing that Sis Mitzi shared she said  “We will never be lax in our commitment ! We believe in a commitment that will take us to the ends of the world to accomplish the task! ”

When we look at where we are positioned in our families, in our work place, at school, in our church you can sense that in this day and hour we have been put there for a purpose. God has strategically placed us where he needs us to fulfill a purpose. I love that quote because it causes me to look at everything I do differently ! How can I be a change agent where I am positioned now ?

This kind of radical commitment is our standard we measure ourselves to. In the bible we say many examples of radical commitment. One of my personal favorite examples is in the book of Nehemiah. He had heard news that the walls had been ruined in Jerusalem and tourn down. His immediate response was he wept, prayed, and fasted for days. He was a cup bearer to the king and when the king noticed he was troubled he asked Nehemiah what was wrong. Nehemiah shared with him what happened the king sent Nehemiah back with favor! He sent him with access to supplies and different parts of the land that he might need! Talk about favor! Nehemiah is such a great example he gathered regular people together to accomplish an extraordinary cause to rebuild the walls of his city!  They encountered many trials amongst the people and even enemies that came as they were building. You can read the whole story but in this portion you see his commitment:

During this time, none of us—not I, nor my relatives, nor my servants, nor the guards who were with me—ever took off our clothes. We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water. (‭Nehemiah‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ )

Night & day we have been positioned to first be committed to where God has positioned us. That means we live with purpose because we understand the importance of where are stationed to build. Our commitments might look different but ultimately they are specially designed for you & I. No matter the storm, testing, or trial we remain firm in our place. But secondly we don’t lay down our purpose in times of weakness or attack. We learn what commitment is by looking at this story and looking at those that have gone before us. God is calling us to a deeper level with him and a deeper level of commitment to our purpose ! We have been called Vosd women to a great task that God has entrusted us with. Our city is our Jerusalem and we won’t stop Vosd untill we see people rebuilt in the house of God!!! There is nothing and no one that can stop us ! Let’s take up arms together and fight for our city !!

-Michelle Castillo

Todays fast: Water and fruits all day

Prayer Target: Healing for the sick 

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