Day – 9 He’s On Your Side!


Isn’t it awesome to know that we serve a Mighty, powerful and awesome God who goes with us! Yes, he calls us to battle and to war, but He is our Victory! We can rest assure that every battle, every fight that we face, He is with us. His word promises us that He will be with us always! 

As we continue to answer this Call to Arms, lets remember that the greatest advantage we have is to have the Lord of Heavens Armies on our side! With God for us, there is Nothjng that can stand against us. We see throughout His word how He would go before the armies and He was there success. And we know that the same God that was with them is with us now! Be encouraged and reminded of who is on your side! The enemy may be roaring and ferociously trying to intimidate you with his tactics, schemes, and lies, but when God steps on the scene, He will cause our enemy to scatter! Know who is on your side today!


Shana Brown

Today’s Fast:

March 4th, 2015


Prayer Targets:

Gods Anointed Now Generation

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