DAY 2 – Ready For War!


In Exodus 13:17  “ When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”

God knew that the people of Israel were not ready for war, they had lived in slavery but in “peace,” now they had to learn to fight, they had to learn that there were enemies on their way to the promised land that wanted to kill them, and God knew that if he let them face battle too soon their hearts would faint.  So he took them the long road, teaching them and training them pulling out the warrior inside of them, (well in a lot of them) God built leaders and warriors out of a bunch of slaves.  He is doing the same thing with us, He is calling us to rise up and answer the call to arms!

women military woman training boot camp basic training workout regimen pt rotc girl hazing exercise running pushups pullups

In a time of such advanced technology, we as Christians have relied on social media, phones and other ways of communication to spread the gospel, BUT God wants us to take the gospel to the hurting people, to put on our spiritual armor and pick up our weapons and go into the all the world to spread the gospel of Jesus!

God has placed in our leaders heart to make a call to arms and he desires not only Victory Outreach,  not only for our women of Victory Outreach but the whole world to answer the call to arms, and how timely! Christians have lived in “peace” for the past few  years, but now it’s time for war! We’ve been training, now it’s time to put our training into practice!


The Webster Dictionary defines a call to arms as:

-Command to report for active military duty

-A summons to engage in active hostilities

a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action <a political call to arms>

Matthew 11:12″the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”

We need to be aggressive when it comes to the passion for a cause, they use their passion for destruction but we will use our passion to carry the message of Hope to the lost!  We are no longer like the people of Israel that were not ready for war, we are ready! The hurting and the lost are depending on us being ready!

Ecclesiastes 3:8- tells us that there is a time for peace and a time for war. The time for spiritual peace has passed!  As we prepare and get ready to go to women’s convention, let us hear the call to arms,  let us have a heart and a mind that says “I’ve been in the reserves long enough, it is time for War! I am ready to answer the call!”


Let us take our place in the army of the Lord! Oorah!!

God bless,

Teresa Gomez

Fast: Daniel Fast

Prayer Targets: VOI Leadership and Tri-Regionals

Challenge: Bring an unsaved person to church

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