We were clearly given marching orders at the UWM Convention, so what is our next step? Are we going to act or are we going to re-act?  ARE YOU WEAPONIZED and ready for combat? Ladies, this IS a very serious question. The enemy is not just going to sit down and watch you fight, he IS going to fight against you and I , we need to be ready with the whole Armor of God.

“Put on the whole armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.Take the helmet of  salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” Eph. 6:11;17

Ladies, let me be clear on what I’m asking when I say ARE YOU WEAPONIZED? As women  and especially Christian women, we have a moral and more so spiritual responsibility to our nation, our city, our church and our family.

We cannot be women that love God one day and love the world the next day, we need to be transparent, we need to continue to be those examples and disciple others. What I am asking you to do is to make a firm and unwavering commitment to speak of God’s truth to this generation, this culture; to act courageously as “salt”and “light.” I’m asking for you to refuse to submit to the constant pressures of this world and not compromise God’s truth. That you purpose in your heart to speak out boldly and uncompromisingly, that you let the devil know where you stand! I am asking that you refuse to be silent  and put your marching  boots and say I AM WEAPONIZED!

Love you,

Lydia Villa

FAST: Your Choice

PRAYER TARGET: Administration

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